Friday Arts Project & Bird and Key present a weekend-long gathering dedicated to an exploration of Beauty. Special guest Kirk Irwin returns to Rock Hill to moderate several engagements with artists, musicians, writers and participants. Participants will have opportunities to experience various works in an arts salon format and engage with artists through interviews and dialogue. The weekend will be spent at Friday Arts Project's Space 157, other locations in Old Town Rock Hill and in Charlotte at the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art.

Kirk Irwin giving his lecture "On Beauty" at Space 157 in 2011
Speakers & Performers:
Kirk Irwin, Theologian & Arts Advocate
Jeremy Casella, Singer-songwriter and producer
Elonzo, Band
Luke Allsbrook, Painter
Casey Mink, Violinist
Joseph Henderson, Writer & Winthrop M.A. Candidate
Artists of Space 157

4-6 PM Check-in & welcome at Space 157 (157 East Main, 2nd Floor)
6 PM Dinner at Old Town Restaurants (on your own)
8 PM Forum Opening: Jeremy Casella & Elonzo in concert at the Courtroom at Gettys
9 AM Coffee & Pastries at Space 157 (included)
10 AM Morning Session: Luke Allsbrook, painter | Casey Mink, violinist
NOON Lunch (Included)
2 PM Afternoon Session: Arts Salon & Writer Joseph Henderson presenting
"Large and Startling Figures: The Shock of Mystery in Barry Hannah, Annie Dillard, and Cormac McCarthy"
5 PM Cocktail Hour (Guests are encouraged to patronize our downstairs neighbors at The Vault)
6 PM Family-Style Dinner at Erin's Restaurant (Included in registration)
7 PM Keynote & Discussion with Kirk Irwin
2 PM Bechtler Museum of Modern Art Visit | Closing remarks
Entire Event (includes admission to Bechtler Museum):
Regular: $50, Student: $35
Sans Museum visit:
Regular: $40, Student: $25
A lot of volunteer work has gone into this event, so if you’re interested in giving more, give $100 and we will include a special art gift from Friday Arts Project artists!
*includes Saturday meals: light breakfast, lunch, dinner
We accept cash or check. Make checks payable to Friday Arts Project, and send to: Stephen Crotts, 616 Cedar St., Rock Hill, SC 29730. Payment Deadline: (postmark by) January 20, 2012. Contact Stephen Crotts at for further details.

Support for this project is provided by the Arts Council of York County Small Grants Program, which receives funding from the Rock Hill A-Tax/Tourism Commission, the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of SC, the SC Arts Commission, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Sponsored in part by:
Jim & Poco Olson, Rock Hill Bike Shop, RUF at Winthrop, Hill City Church, Plumbline Communications