Sunday, November 2, 2008

IAM's website redesigned!

International Arts Movement

In other news, I recently contacted an artist who had her MFA Thesis exhibition in Rutledge my freshman year. Her name is Kata Billups and her thesis was titled, "Let Jesus Out of the Box: The Case for an Emotional Jesus."
I have been looking for her for a while and finally found her on Ebay of all places. Her thesis is there.

You just can't get some images out of your mind.

"Jesus Put on a "Fat Suit" in order to Deflect the Mocking from the Fat Girl.
Kata Billups
acrylic on canvas
30" x 42"
The setting for this painting is the "School of Beauty Culture" across the street from Winthrop University.
The models were photographed on location, and I worked from my own photographs."

I've been emailing back and forth with her, told her about IAM, and will try to show you more of her pieces.


Stephen Crotts said...

So, on the new site they put that scary picture of me from finals on the loop of members...I guess someone at IAM has been snooping on facebook.

Carlee said...

i saw that. And all the pictures of Kirk are drawings or paintings you did of him. teehee.